The Reading Resource Project1
The Reading Resource Project is an ongoing program that runs throughout the year. The program distributes high quality, softcover books for Read Across America Day, National Drop Everything and Read Day, Children's Book Week, International Children's Book Day, and other literacy programs.
These books are free. Recipients merely pay shipping, handling, and administrative costs, which is only $0.88 per softcover book ($88.00 per set of 100 books). Reading Resource Project books come in sets of 100 books per set. Any literacy based effort qualifies for these books. You do not have to be a school or teacher.
These books can be donated to Teachers, Schools. Literacy Events. PTA/PTOs
Reading levels are available for Pre-K through second grade. Each 100 book set consists of 6 copies each of 14 different titles, and 1 copy each of 16 different titles.
Reading Resource Project books are available in a limited quantity on a first come, first served basis. Most sets are shipped within 2 weeks.